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PC Tech Support

Tech support - post experiences and reviews on tech products worked with while on the job providing support to her customers and end-users.

How to convert .spc to .pfx to .p12

By PC Tech Support at 2008-03-24 05:25:54
With all the various certificates available, it can be very confusing and frustrating trying to convert one format to another.

To convert a Microsoft Authenticode cert from .spc format to a .p12 format requires first that the cert be exported to pfx then converted to PKCS12 (.p12 file extension). The tools required to do this are the pvkimprt tool, a browser like Netscape (I used version v8.1) or other Mozilla browser like Firefox, and Internet Explorer. I chose to use Netscape Navigator instead of Firefox because Netscape is a much more mature browser with less bugs than Firefox.

After installing the pvkimprt import tool, start the import by running the command at a command prompt. Change or add the path to your code signing certificate key and your private key:

pvkimprt mycert.spc mykey.pvk

Upon running the command, this will start a wizard that imports the certificate into Internet Explorer. When asked, add the importing cert into the personal cert category. Once complete, use Internet Explorer to export the cert in pfx. Start a new Microsoft Internet Explorer window then Go to tools > Internet options > content > certificates. This will start the export wizard. Answer yes to export private key and select the file format which in the case will be PKCS#12(.PFX). Enter a password and folder location to place the exported file into.

Next start the Netscape navigator browser and go to tools > options > advanced > manage certificates. Locate the pfx file that was just created from Internet Explorer and click import. Enter the password again. Netscape gives you the option to change the password for the certificate at this time too. Once complete, you'll see your cert stored in Netscape's list of certificates. Select the one you would like to export as a .p12 file and choose backup (there is no export button, it is called backup). The idea here is that you'll be making a file backup of the cert and private key into a file, the file will be in .p12 format. Follow the prompts for file locations and password and you'll have a .p12 formatted cert file after starting with a .spc cert.

This whole process is most useful if you've purchased a Microsoft Authenticode cert that would also like to use for signing Java applets. Code signing Java applets requires the store and cert to use the .p12 format.

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By yon von rhinehardt at 2008-07-13 09:14:29
Thanks for quick and easy description of how to do this. You suggestions worked perfectly.



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