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PC Tech Support

Tech support - post experiences and reviews on tech products worked with while on the job providing support to her customers and end-users.

Are all desktops created equal?

By PC Tech Support at 2008-03-23 06:23:40

One of the things I realized over the years is that all PC desktop and server manufacturers are not created equal. As I go along and workout issues on various computer manufacturer's equipment both new and old, an additional sense is mysteriously implanted into the mind and derived from seeing the progression of desktop and server change over time and how each manufacturer does things the same but different.

HP and Dell are no doubt the leading desktop manufacturers and at the time of this post, HP and IBM may have been the leading server manufacturers for the large business and enterprise class. By far I see a lot more Dell server in small companies than IBM servers.

One very important note about Dell's desktop support which if I'm not mistaken is what catapulted them into the large desktop manufacturer they are today, is that it had slipped in my opinion greatly over the years. At one time if support was needed from Dell, there was no sigh about making the call. Now, when I consider having to place the call or start an online session with Dell support I shutter at the thought - especially when it's a server call. Although this past year has seen some improvement and may be reaching the status they once had as the golden computer because of their support, some years prior was a horrible joke and allowed them to slip from the number one computer desktop manufacturer.

This is what caused Gateway's demise too, from which they've not recovered. Gateway was the default standard for offices who were on a budget as Compaq were known to be rock solid but more pricey.

Gateway had it all and with booming server sales were positioned to achieve greatness. I don't know where exactly they slipped. It may have been in the quality which wasn't getting backed by great support to make up for it (this is just a guess). They're still trying to make their comeback and I guess for now they are mostly in the home market as I do not see them much in offices.

HP has always been dependable for me. They've year after year put out some decent products in the desktop category and of course in the server market which I believe they have a superior product over any other manufacturer.

Computer Technical Information & Support

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PC Tech Support Including Remote Control Software

Although HP has improved the search funtionality for finding drivers and software assiciated for a specific computer or server, it still doesn't match Dell's service tag system approach.

Just recently I was looking for a network and video card driver for an HP laptop and went to HP site (http://support.hp.com). Their search is easy to find and entering the model into the search box in most cases returns results that include the computer or server you are inquiring about. They have an option to "scan" for HP devices but it will look for printers only. This is where I believe HP support can make some improvements. The best improvement of all is to move to a service tag system but I belive they should include in part of the snan for devices the desktop from which the scan is being run on.

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By yon von rhinehardt at 2014-04-28 21:50:07
Thank you for this informative post. I agree, remote control software makes supping systems much easier. I use software for desktop remote control on my network in the office to support my end-users. It saves so much time for me. I work in a building with several floors and the alternative to remote desktop control software would be having to go up and down the various floors to support my end-users.


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