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PC Tech Support

Tech support - post experiences and reviews on tech products worked with while on the job providing support to her customers and end-users.

PC Tech Support - Computer Support Through The Web

By PC Tech Support at 2008-01-01 10:15:09
Update 052622PC Remote Support Software,Remote Support on the Web,Computer Support Software. When you need to support remote computer or get remote access and control of them.
Online Network, Server, Desktop Support Info

Remote Support Software

Links to sites that have software for remote control and pc remote access for desktop remote support. Supporting computers on the web.

Computer support can be found in various ways and in many many places. Information for supporting computers and information technology in general like network switches, firewalls routers , wireless access points and a host of other peripherals and devices is abundant and easily available. Finding reliable sources of information and quickly can help make the difference in fast Online Network, Server, Desktop Support Info
or support that takes seemingly too long.

Web based Remote desktop Access using Online Desktop support software is one the best ways to reduce computer service costs by reducing the number of truck roll-outs and indeed the number of techs required to support customers and clients. The magic behind it is remote desktop support software.Online desktop support is a competitive market place and most vendors provide remote control screen sharing software that permits remote controlling of desktop computers and in some case apple mac OSx and Linux systems. Access computers remotely online for support through the web commonly includes file transfer in addition to screen-sharing for online desktop support.

Web based Remote desktop control using Software for Online Desktop Support that allows a tech to remotely access and connect to client desktops through the Internet to provide remote desktop support, reduces costs and makes support companies and information technology departments more efficient as they are able to resolve computer desktop and many server issues without having to make an on-site service call.

Recently involved in a support session that had the remote tech use support software to access my clients computer and server. The software the tech support group for a specific application was Microsoft's Teams. It worked great. Although there were plenty of bells and whistles looking at the tool-bar and the menu, I only saw a glimpse of what this software was capable of doing. But at the core. Microsoft's Teams Group Chat and even older LiveMeeting and others have pc remote control software built into them for desktop support. The access may differ in that one may use active-x and another uses and .msi file. The bottom line is the same, pc remote control is required to make it all happen.



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By yon von rhinehardt at 2008-03-06 00:26:42
I access computer desktops and servers remotely daily to provide tech support services.
By yon von rhinehardt at 2008-01-07 14:03:06
Computer Support Software
Remote comptuer control support and deskto padministration is one of the biggest time savers for information technology departments and companies that provide computer remote support. IN house techs also benefit from pc tech support software to support computer desktop users on the LAN.

By yon von rhinehardt at 2008-01-02 02:00:13
There are so many things that could go wrong computer desktops and servers. Not only is the OS a cause for constant maintenance, but desktop applications are in many more in need of constant tech support attention.
Desktop and server operationg system updates have been dramatically improved over the years by Microsoft. With the advent of auto-updates, PC desktop and network server operating systems can almost keep themselves up to date with the latest software bug fixes and feature enhancements.
This introduction of auto-updates has crossed from the area of operating systems td desktop pc and server user applications with equal success.



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